Physiotherapy without manual therapy is like fish without water. Hands-on manual therapy is the essence of Physiotherapy. We use many result oriented, evidence based manual therapy techniques to treat conditions
Read moreOne can experience many types of pain based on the sensation one feels like dull aching, sharp shooting, pinching type, shocking type, etc. The other types are Acute or Chronic based on the duration of the pain.
Read moreTaping is a very popular treatment tool in the field of physiotherapy, more so in sports. Taping is an efficient way of treating musculoskeletal injuries, be it acute or chronic. There are different types of taping techniques.
Read moreMyofascial Pains or Muscle pains are caused by Myofascial Trigger points which consists of Multiple Contraction Knots in the muscles, which are related to production and maintenance of Pain Cycles. Commonly experienced pains
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