Exercise Therapy is a well organized, custom/tailor made regimen or plan of physical activities designed and prescribed by a qualified physiotherapist for specific therapeutic goals. Its main purpose is to work towards the restoration of normal pain-free movement. It reduces pain, improves musculoskeletal function, body fitness, strength, cardio-respiratory endurance. It is repetitive, rhythmic and of full available range of motion in a specific joint. Exercise therapy requires high level of supervision to meet specific goals. It consists of a variety of approaches like closed or open kinematic chain exercises, Concentric/eccentric or isometric/isokinetic exercises, strengthening or stretching exercises, anti-gravity or gravity eliminated exercises, etc.

Geriatric rehabilitation is process of addressing the neuro-musculoskeletal issues of elderly people. We use different evidence based rehab protocols to improve their Mobility, Fitness levels and Cardio-respiratory endurance. Most important problem in elderly people is the fear of falling. We screen elderly people for prevention of fall and design a customized rehab protocol and also assist in making changes at home and office to prevent falling in these population.